Curriculum Vitae
Complete CV can be found here.
List of publications:
Ivanova, K. (accepted). Re-partnering across the life course. In D. Mortelmans, L. Bernardi, & B. Perelli-Harris (Eds.), Research handbook on partnering across the life course. Edward Elgar.
Tran, C., Ivanova, K., Reitz, A., & Stavrova, O. (2024). Transition to parenthood: The association between expectations and family-life satisfaction. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 15, 908-920.
Ivanova, K. & Balbo, N. (2024). Societal pessimism and the transition to parenthood: A future too bleak to have children? Population and Development Review.
Hornstra, M. & Ivanova, K. (2023). Kinkeeping across families: The central role of mothers and stepmothers in the facilitation of adult intergenerational ties. Sex Roles, 88, 367-382.
Di Nallo, A., Ivanova, K., & Balbo, N. (2023). Repartnering of women in the USA: The interplay between motherhood and socioeconomic status. Population Studies.
Hornstra, M., Kalmijn, M., & Ivanova, K. (2022). Adult children in complex families: How do relationships affect relationships? Family Relations.
Hiekel, N. & Ivanova, K. (2022). Changes in perceived fairness of division of household labor across parenthood transitions: Whose relationship satisfaction is impacted? Journal of Family Issues.
Vandecasteele, L., Ivanova, K., Sieben, I., & Reeskens, T. (2022). Changing attitudes towards the impact of female employment on families. The COVID-19 effect. Gender, Work & Organization, 29, 2012-2033.
Hornstra, M., Kalmijn, M., & Ivanova, K. (2021). Dissonant relationships to biological parents and stepparents and the well-being of adult children. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39, 481-504.
Ivanova, K. (2020). Review of the book New parents in Europe: Work-care practices, gender norms and family policies. D. Grunow and M. Everstsson, ed., 2019. European Journal of Population, 36, 947–949.
Van Houdt, K., Kalmijn, M., & Ivanova, K. (2020). Perceptions of closeness in adult parent- child dyads: Asymmetry in the context of family complexity. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75, 2219-2229. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbaa122
Ivanova, K., & Kalmijn, M. (2020). Parental involvement in youth and closeness to parents during adulthood: Stepparents and biological parents. Journal of Family Psychology, 34, 794-803. doi: 10.1037/fam0000659
Hornstra, M., Kalmijn, M., & Ivanova, K. (2020). Fatherhood in complex families: Ties between adult children, biological fathers, and stepfathers. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82, 1637-1654. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12679
Ivanova, K. & Kalmijn, M. (2020). Heterogeneous effects of family complexity in youth on mental health: Testing the “good divorce” and the “good stepparent” hypotheses. In M. Kreyenfeld & H. Trappe (Eds.), Parental life courses after separation and divorce in Europe. Berlin: Springer.
Ivanova, K. (2020). My children, your children, our children, and my well-being: Life satisfaction of 'empty nest' biological parents and stepparents. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21, 613-633. doi: 10.1007/s10902-019-00097-8
van Houdt, K., Kalmijn, M., & Ivanova, K. (2019). Stepparental support to young adults: The diverging roles of stepmothers and stepfathers. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82, 639-656. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12599
Kalmijn, M., de Leeuw, S., Hornstra, M., Ivanova, K., van Gaalen, R., & van Houdt, K. (2019). Family complexity into adulthood: The central role of mothers in shaping intergenerational ties. American Sociological Review, 84, 876-904. doi: 10.1177/0003122419871959
Savickaitė, R., Dijkstra, J. K., Kreager, D., Ivanova, K., & Veenstra, R. (2019). Friendships, perceived popularity, and adolescent romantic relationship debut. Journal of Early Adolescence, 40, 377-399. doi:10.1177/0272431619847530
Ivanova, K. & Balbo, N. (2019). Cementing the stepfamily? Biological and stepparents’ relationship satisfaction after the birth of a common child in stepfamilies. Journal of Family Issues, 40, 1346-1363. doi:10.1177/0192513X19836456
Kalmijn, M., Ivanova, K., van Gaalen, R., de Leeuw, S. G., van Houdt, K., van Spijker, F., & Hornstra, M. (2018). A multi-actor study of adult children and their parents in complex families: Design and content of the OKiN survey.European Sociological Review, 34, 452-470. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcy016
van Houdt, K., Kalmijn, M., & Ivanova, K. (2018). Family complexity and adult children’s obligations: The role of divorce and co-residential history in norms to support parents and stepparents. European Sociological Review, 34, 169-183. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcy007
van Zantvliet, P. I., Ivanova, K., & Verbakel, E. (2018). Adolescents’ involvement in romantic relationships and problem behavior: The moderating effect of peer norms. Youth and Society. doi: 10.1177/0044118X17753643
Tornello, S., Ivanova, K., & Bos, H. (2018). Same-sex and mixed-sex couples in the Netherlands: The association between life satisfaction and relationship dynamics. Journal of Family Issues, 39, 1443-1464. doi: 10.1177/0192513X17710771
Ivanova, K. (2017). Division of childcare in biological-parents and stepparent households: Importance of parental gender and type of partnership. European Sociological Review, 33, 661-674. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcx065
Keizer, R. & Ivanova, K. (2017). What’s a (childless) man without a woman? The differential importance of couple dynamics for the well-being of childless men and women. In M. Kreyenfeld & D. Konietzka (Eds.), Childlessness across Europe (pp.313-331). Springer.
Ivanova, K. (2016). Relationship satisfaction of the previously married: The significance of relationship specific costs and rewards in first and repartnering unions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 33, 559-580. doi: 10.1177/0265407515583942
Ivanova, K. & Dykstra, P. (2015). Aging without children. Public Policy & Aging Report, 25, 98-101. doi: 10.1093/ppar/prv014
Ivanova, K. & Begall, K. (2015). The second time around: Educational attainment and repartnering in an Eastern European context. Journal of Family Research, 27, 165 – 182.
Ivanova, K., Mills, M., & Veenstra, R. (2014). Parental residential and partnering transitions and the initiation of adolescent romantic relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76, 465 – 475. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12117
Ivanova, K., Kalmijn, M., & Uunk, W. (2014). Fertility after repartnering in the Netherlands: Parenthood or commitment? Advances in Life Course Research, 21, 101 – 112. doi: 10.1016/j.alcr.2013.08.003
Ivanova, K., Kalmijn, M., & Uunk, W. (2013). The effect of children on men's and women's chances of re-partnering in a European context. European Journal of Population, 29, 417 – 444. doi: 10.1007/s10680-013-9294-5
Ivanova, K. (2012). From parents to partners: The impact of family on romantic relationships in adolescence and emerging adulthood. ICS Dissertation, Groningen.
Ivanova, K., Veenstra, R., & Mills. M. (2012). Who dates? The effects of temperament, puberty, and parenting on early adolescent experience with dating: The TRAILS study. Journal of Early Adolescence, 32, 340 - 363. doi: 10.1177/0272431610393246
Ivanova, K., Mills, M., & Veenstra, R. (2011). The initiation of dating in adolescence: The effect of parental divorce. The TRAILS study. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21, 769 - 775. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2010.00734.x